Its about a different perspective

Its about a different perspective
It’s amazing when those who think they like free speech turn away when questioned. Extremist views on the nature of things grant nothing but extremism itself. You want to live in grey, then stop pushing and advertising an ideology, for as soon as a person speaks their mind, they are making their opinion...MD / The photo represents the naive thinking that one can think in an unconscious grey state of mind: you cannot think in an unconscious state (thinking is an effort). I am not sure where some get their expert titles from! The grey area represents those who think grey areas is where safety should be. Status Quo is the alternative solution that may emerge over time in following of those who think they know all. An head up arse is just where some people thrive...sorry

Is an Academic always one?

Once an academic has their title (Dr, PhD etc), they seem to have a life protected by that title, but are they always an academic? I mean; would you let a 60 year old mechanic who has not worked on a modern car and who got their certificate 40 years ago fix your modern car? And just because one says they are a mechanic, does this mean they can fix anything mechanical? I see people with Dr in front of their names...but what expertise is it for? Could be for art for we know.

They can go on and read a Google document, or watch a TED talk just like everyone else can if they are interested in a topic, but then use this to market themselves as is they knew it all along. I would say some academics get presented with an idea they are not that knowledgeable about, go and do some basic research, then come back into an argument making out they are experts in that area also. Like all aspects of working life, there are good and bad in everything, There are doctors who are better than others, yet both passed the same tests. Some academics are just good at memorising data from text books, sadly, the concept of having a good memory seems to class you as smart.     

If you got your title 40 years ago, and many things have changed since then, and you don’t need to renew your academic title, then everything you have learned since then is just as accessible to everyone.

So why do we assume that because someone has a academic title (that they use to persuade others) that everything they say must have been learned via academic studies. I mean I can read a book about subatomic particles, be very understanding of current information, maybe know a bit more that some academic who got the title 40 years ago, but my knowledge will not be preferred over the titled academic. The other thing I have always had a concern with is novel thinking.

If I had a theory about subatomic particles and how they act in a given situation, as an non academic, my view would not pass into the academician world unless an academic took my idea. I think an example would be my system one and two embedded heuristic idea. Yes it maybe be raw and not written in a academic way, but I don’t think you can get away from the fact that there are ways in which heuristics are embedded into our minds. I think some academics despise anyone outside the academic world coming up with ideas and concepts. But just imagine for a moment if a world leading academic did come up with my concept a write a book about it, there would be lesser academics all over the world praising the ideas and using it on blogs to explain, for example; why it is hard to override (as one cannot unlearn) a system two embedded heuristic with a system one heuristic.  

Why do we take academic hearsay as the only truth in so many areas of life. It seems having a title in front of your name gives you some magic pass into the world of “you must be or are always right”, and sadly many who cannot think for themselves just agree with everything they say and say; “they’re the expert they should know”. I am not saying that all experts think that they are always experts and say they are right all of the time, but there are many that seem to ride on the “expertise chariot” and use their title to promote their subjective opinions in all areas outside their original study.

Let me put something to you. An academic is only an academic up to the point they became an academic, everything they learn after that is just as accessible to every other thinking person.

Say to become an academic, you have to read and memorised a book, you do that and pass the test at the end with a 99% score. Great, you are now an academic and do no further research into that study. Then say another person come along who has never studied and was not an academic. This person was self educated and read not only the book that you did that granted the academic pass and accompanying title, but also continued to learn and study other topics of similar nature. This person actually became more knowledgeable about the topic than the titled academic. This person writes a theory and so does the non-academic person about how to solve a systemic problem. Both theories are submitted, but instantly the non academic is passed off as non credible because there is no title to their name. As an academic, their idea gets used while the non-academic goes away being told their idea will not work. But what if the idea presented by the non academic was in fact the better concept, yet is lost forever because of the theory that only academics have a brain and can think. I mean, imagine that I told you a couple of bicycle mechanics was working on a machine that would make us fly...the academic world would laugh and say that you need an engineering degree to understand flight...

There are many examples where non academic ideas have been lost because the academic establishment and people within those establishments do not like anyone breaking into their realm of academia. There are many No Nos (Our Iceberg is Melting) in this world that cannot stand their super ego being challenged. And sadly, I would say that this is major contributing factor as to why so many things do not work well in our society and in our workplaces. We don’t listen and take into consideration the ideas from people who also have good ideas and workable concepts very often. These non academics try and put in an idea and they are quickly reminded about all the other academic books and studies done to prove you must be wrong. I have had Kahneman tell me in a private email "it’s almost impossible to break into the academic world from the outside" there it was in black and white form a person who knows.

Having a title does not give anyone the right to discredit anyone. In fact I would say it is unhealthy as is driven by ills intentions. There are many clever people out there in this world with good ideas and concepts with little to know formal education, it’s just a dam shame many people prefer self serving protection than being open and accepting.

And there is one other thing that I feel is a great injustice; this is when the academic uses the idea the non academic came up with and spin it into their own idea that you guessed it, is then used.